

Let's face it: independent school education is indeed a significant investment, 而是在体育外围app下载, we are working to redefine its affordability. 十大外围app理解它可能给许多家庭带来的经济压力,十大外围app在这里提供帮助. 十大外围app的财政援助方式支持家庭,使私立教育比以往任何时候都更容易获得.

作为教育领域的领导者, 鲍德温致力于改变经济援助只适用于某些家庭的观念. 十大外围app的学费援助 program inclusively evaluates each family based on their unique circumstances, helping them to afford the best all-girls education for their students. We are here to support you in your educational journey. 

At 鲍德温, we are about much more than academic 卓越. We're about diversity, community and life-long connections. 鲍德温 also recognizes that diversity comes in many forms, from athletic and creative talents to STEAM and leadership skills. 这种对多样性的坚定承诺确保了所有适合传教的学生都能接受宾夕法尼亚州最好的女子私立学校教育.



  • 申请过程

    The 鲍德温 School partners with Clarity to host our financial aid application, 根据家庭共享的信息,哪个用来确定一个家庭的经济需求水平. 

    步骤1 -准备申请
    • Please take a few moments to review the 清晰度快速参考指南家庭申请指引 before you begin the application.  无论这是您第一次还是您过去已经完成了Clarity应用程序, it is a valuable guide for you to follow!
    Step 2 – Completing your Financial Aid Application
    • To get started, please go to the 清晰的应用程序 创建一个账户. 
    • Clarity应用程序通常需要大约30分钟才能完成,并且允许您保存进度并随时返回. Please be sure to adhere to the submission deadlines.  
    • 请使用 您的法定姓名, as it appears on your Federal Income Tax 1040 form, 也 as your 女儿的法定姓名, as it appears on her birth certificate and 鲍德温 application for admission. 名字的变化, 你或你的女儿, can result in a delayed evaluation for financial assistance.  
    • 您将被要求电子签署一份4506c表格文件,该文件授权Clarity从国税局安全地检索您的税务记录. This is required in order to verify income and financial information.   
    • At the end of the application, you will need to submit a $60 fee.
    步骤3 -附加文件
    • You may be asked to submit additional documents. Please be sure to monitor any requests for additional documentation.
  • 时间轴

    12月1日:  Deadline to submit your financial aid form online. 
    在12月1日截止日期之后收到的申请将按照先到者的顺序进行审查, 标间. If eligible, awards will be granted depending on availability of funds.
    1月/ 2月:  Notification of Financial Aid decisions will begin.
    • 目前的家庭被要求在收到财政援助奖励的两周内作出回应. 如果十大外围app在时间框架内没有收到您的消息,资金可能会被撤销. 
    • New families have until February 15, 2025 to respond. Families receiving awards after February 15, 2025 should refer to the dates included in the financial aid award letter. 如果十大外围app在规定的时间范围内没有收到您的回复,资金可能会被撤销.
  • 财政援助政策

    体育外围app下载致力于帮助来自各种经济背景的家庭为他们的女儿提供十大外围app的教育. 这个过程服务于十大外围app的使命,为有才华和积极进取的学生提供鲍德温体验.

    Criteria used when evaluating the Financial Aid Application
    • 父母的责任 – The primary responsibility for tuition rests with the family. In evaluating financial information, The 鲍德温 School Financial Aid Committee takes into account the number, 儿童的年龄和学校, 额外的家属, assets and all sources of income. 此外,十大外围app还会考虑生活方式的选择、债务、支出和支出的优先顺序. Applicants are expected to adhere to all application deadlines. You are responsible for submitting the paperwork on time.
    • 优先级 -准确填写Clarity申请表的家庭将优先获得经济援助, submit all required documentation and adhere to all deadlines. 为了获得帮助,你必须按时完成所需的文书工作.  It is important to maintain your 鲍德温 account in good standing (“on time”).
    • 资金申请 -一旦收到录取通知,经济援助决定将独立于录取决定. New students must be accepted first through the admission process, 和n are considered for financial aid through a separate process.
    • (即奖 -经济援助补助金是根据家庭证明的经济需要发放的. 获得资助的资格由学校的财政援助委员会根据其对Clarity托管的财政援助申请的评估来确定, and a copy of the family’s current and complete Federal Income Tax forms, supporting schedules and W-2 forms
    • 非工作父 -认识到每个家庭对支付教育费用负有主要责任, if one parent chooses not to seek employment, the School imputes an annual income for a non-working parent.  如果父母照顾非学龄儿童或年迈的父母,则例外.
    • 保密 – Recognizing the sensitivity of personal financial issues, 十大外围app保证这个过程的保密性,并希望家庭对任何奖励信息保密, 也
    • 更新 -财政援助每年根据持续的财政需要进行评估, 以及受助人继续表现出令人满意的学业进步的证据, 良好的公民身份和良好的财务状况与体育外围app下载商务办公室.
    • 授予 -申请经济资助并不能保证你有资格获得奖学金. Nor does being eligible guarantee that there will be financial aid available.
    • 适合所有家庭, full participation is expected of both biological parents, stepparents and/or the adults with whom the child lives, 对学生的生活有监护权或经济上的影响和责任.
    • In the process of evaluating a family’s financial situation, 财政援助过程需要所有各方的完整文件和上述类别中所有确定的充分透明, 不管离婚与否, 分离或疏远.  除非十大外围app要求所有各方提供信息,否则不会颁发经济援助奖. 
    • The 鲍德温 School is not bound by any decrees, 免除父母对其子女教育经济责任的协议或法律文件.
  • 资源

  • 学费和杂费

    2024 - 25的学费
    • 全日制Pre-K $24,400
    • 幼儿园26800美元
    • 1级$29,200
    • 二级$31,500
    • 三级$33,900
    • 四级$35,000
    • 5级$36,900
    • 6 - 8年级$39,500
    • 9 - 12年级$43,900
    十大外围app对在鲍德温上学的课外费用很敏感, which is why we include the following items in the cost of tuition.
      • 较低的学校: Class trips, 课费, textbooks and supplies. 
      • 中学: Class trips and 课费. 
      • 高中:班级旅行, 课费, 类环, 环的晚餐, 小外套, 初级/高级宴会, 正式的舞会, PSAT, basic yearbook ad and graduation.
    制服, 中间 and 上学校 textbooks, 移动PC, 午餐, 某些课程费用, 某些运动队费用. 持有F-1签证的国际学生每年需支付3美元,000英镑国际留学生费.
  • 学费支付计划

    We offer four tuition payment plans for the 2024 – 25 academic year: 

    计划A* -全额付款计划
    Pay the full year tuition on or before July 1, 2024.

    计划B* -两次付款计划
    This plan allows for payment of tuition charges in two installments. 60%的款项将于2024年7月支付,剩余的40%将于2024年12月支付. Selection in this plan requires enrollment in the Tuition Fee Insurance Plan, 也 as a Smart Tuition maintenance fee.

    Plan C*- Ten Month Payment Plan
    体育外围app下载与SmartTuition合作,为您提供这种经济实惠且方便的选择. 这个计划允许你从2024年6月开始支付10个月的分期付款,一直持续到2025年3月. No interest charges are associated with this plan. Selection in this plan requires enrollment in the Tuition Fee Insurance Plan, 也 as a SmartTuition maintenance fee.

    Plan D* - Twelve Month Payment Plan
    与SmartTuition合作, 这个计划允许你从2024年4月开始支付12个月的分期付款,一直持续到2025年3月. No interest charges are associated with this plan. Selection in this plan requires enrollment in the Tuition Fee Insurance Plan, 也 as a SmartTuition maintenance fee.

    * 2,000美元不可退还的入学押金将从总学费中扣除. 
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